ECC8000 Source-grid-load-storage Coordination Control System
The ECC8000 Source-grid-load-storage Coordination Control System ensures the safe and stable operation of the power grid and the maximum consumption of new energy by dispatching and coordinating the source, grid, load, storage and other resources in the region.
Application Scenarios
It is suitable for a variety of scenarios such as zero-carbon smart parks, mining areas, transportation and energy integration, regional-level intelligent microgrids, and independent microgrids such as (high altitude, islands, uninhabited areas, and border defense).
Technical Features
Dynamic Flexible Resource Pool
Active support, dynamic adjustment, and collaborative interaction
Realize reliable power supply, source-source complementation, source-load interaction, and source-storage coordination
Operational Situational Awareness
Integrated prediction of wind, solar, and load
Advanced analysis of real-time operating status and real-time deduction of operating strategies
Real-time Dynamic Optimization
Actively support the balance of power supply and demand
Dynamically adjust the intra-day plan
Collaborative interaction of control strategies
Grid Collaborative Optimization Control
Real-time collaborative optimization of operation control to ensure the optimal operation of the power grid
Realize the rapid response and real-time optimal operation of the power grid in seconds to minutes
Real-time Power and Energy Balance Control
Analysis of operating characteristics under the condition of imbalance between supply and demand
Real-time power and energy balance of the regional power grid
Reduce power interaction with the large power grid
Basic Parameters
Data Capacity
Remote Measurement ≥ 2,000,000
Remote Signal ≥ 2,000,000
Remote Control ≥ 500,000
Response Performance
Screen Response Time ≤ 1s
Real-time Evaluation Index Calculation Completion Time <5s
Control Plan Formulation Performance
Plant Station Calculation Scale ≥ 2,000
Power Generation Unit or Energy Storage Equipment Calculation Scale ≥ 1,000
Real-time Dispatching Solution Time for 500 Objects and 12 Periods<30s
Real-time Control Plan Formulation Time ≤ 30s
Load Forecasting Performance
Short-term Daily Load Forecasting Accurac > 90%
Ultra-short-term Daily Load Forecasting Accuracy > 95%
New Energy Power Forecasting Performance
Ultra-short-term Power Forecasting Calculation Time < 60s
Short-term Power Forecasting Calculation Time < 300s
Network Load Rate
System Stability
Average Time Between Failures ≥ 30,000h
Communication Protocol
IEC-61850, IEC-104, Modbus-TCP, etc.