Overall Solution for Virtual Power Plant Operation Management and Control

Overall Solution for Virtual Power Plant Operation Management and Control

As a new business form and mode of energy intelligence, the virtual power plant has wide application prospects and is one of the important means to reduce peak carbon emissions. In combination with the demand business on the grid side, power generation side, power consumption side, market side and supervision side, XJ has developed a smart energy system participating in power system operation and power market transactions, which aggregates one or more controllable resources such as adjustable loads, energy storage, electric vehicle charging piles and distributed power sources in different spaces to realize independent coordinated optimization control. The virtual plant can be used as a "positive power plant" to supply power to the system for peak shaving, and also as a "negative power plant" to increase load consumption and cooperate with the system in valley filling. Moreover, the virtual plant can not only respond quickly to instructions to cooperate in ensuring system stability and obtaining economic compensation, but also act equivalently as a power plant to participate in various power markets such as capacity, electricity quantity and auxiliary services to obtain economic benefits.
No. 1298, Xuji Ave., Xuchang, Henan, P.R.China
Copyright XJ ELECTRIC CORPORATION Henan ICP registry No. 2022005074-2 Henan PNS registry No.41100202000889