VCCP5000/VCCP5000G Valve Cooling Control System (Based on DC control and protection platform)

The converter valve cooling control and protection equipment is the control core of DC transmission converter valve cooling equipment. Its main function is to monitor the status of the valve cooling system and external communication in real time, so as to ensure the stable and reliable operation of the valve cooling system.

Application Scenarios

It is suitable for DC transmission fields such as LCC- (UHV) HV DC transmission and VSC-HVDC transmission.

Technical Features

The control and protection system incorporates a domestic control and protection platform with mature application
VCCP5000 of domestic and non-domestic chips features device level and board card level interchangeability
The control and protection host features IFC optical signal cross redundancy communication, ensuring stable link and robust fault tolerance
The control host communicates with the I0 unit through direct connection of GOOSE optical signals, delivering high-speed transmission through a simple link
The control host integrates IEC60044-8 and IEC61850 optical communication interfaces, guaranteeing a stable external communication link
The product boasts built-in fault recording function to realize monitoring, sampling, storage and playback

Basic Parameters

Quantity of cabinets
Cabinet dimensions (single side)
2260mm (height) ×800mm (width) ×600mm (depth)
Power supply conditions
AC 380V/220V ,DC 110V/220V
Control system
Domestic control and protection platform with redundancy
Communication between control host and I/O unit
GOOSE optical signals, direct connection
Protection system
Control and protection communication
IFC optical signals, cross-redundant
Timing mode
Optical IRIG-B
Communication with CCP
IEC60044-8 optical signals, cross-redundant
Communication with OWS
IEC61850 optical signals, redundant
Fault recording
Built-in, Comtrade file

Testing and Certifications

No. 1298, Xuji Ave., Xuchang, Henan, P.R.China
Copyright XJ ELECTRIC CO..LTDHenan ICP registry No. 2022005074-2 Henan PNS registry No.41100202000889